Repeated Assignment to Groups | XM Community
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Repeated Assignment to Groups

I am doing a longitudinal-experimental study in which students will be randomly assigned to a control of comparison group. Depending on the group, I would generate certain blocks of questions. That's the easy part. The issue is that I want the participants who were formerly assigned to either the control or experimental group to maintain those groupings when they respond to subsequent surveys. It is essentially one survey that will be repeated over time to track student development, but I want the survey to "remember" which students were assigned to which groups every other time that they complete the survey. Thanks!

Best answer by MohammedAli_Rajapkar

Hi @Aviej Just wanted to know, are you asking any student identifier question in a survey? for example the "student id, student email"? If yes, then with the help of Authenticator and contact list you will be able to achieve your requirement. Authenticator documentation: Contact list documentation:
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QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
Hi @Aviej Just wanted to know, are you asking any student identifier question in a survey? for example the "student id, student email"? If yes, then with the help of Authenticator and contact list you will be able to achieve your requirement. Authenticator documentation: Contact list documentation:

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
This use case is something similar to below:

  • Author
  • 4 replies
  • May 1, 2018
Thanks! I will check out the links. I am using Student ID as the identifier. So I believe the authenticator may be useful. If I have further questions, I'll let you know.

  • Author
  • 4 replies
  • May 2, 2018
Ok, so just for clarification. I set up the contact list. Then in survey flow I add embedded data labelled "id". In the set value section, do I just include the student ids followed by a comma? And also, what condition should I set up with the branch so that select participants answer one block of questions and another group of participants answer another block of questions If "id" = (list of id names for experimental group), then show Block A? If "id" = (list of id names for control group), then show Block B? Thanks!

But what if you randomly assign participants to groups, without an id and not based on a question? So when you randomly assign participants evenly in a control and an experimental group and then later in the survey want to ask another question, whereby you want the same random assigned groups as in the previous asked question? #firsttimequaltrics #butloveit Thanks in advance!

Got it!!

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