Calculating the mean score for scoring categories for each respondent | XM Community
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Calculating the mean score for scoring categories for each respondent

I am helping a postgraduate student with their research survey. They have a couple of large matrix table questions where the statements fall into various categories - the number of questions under each category varies. For a couple of the categories there is just one statement, for others up to 6 or 7 statements fall under that category. I have set up scoring categories so that the appropriate statements are scored together and this is displaying fine in the data when a survey is completed.
However, the student needs to get a mean score (and standard deviation) for each of the categories for each respondent - so for example if the score for one respondent for category A was 24 and there were 5 statements in that category the mean of 4.8 would be recorded in the data file, if the score for category B was also 24 but there were only 4 statements then the mean of 6 would be recorded.
Is there a way to get these calculations recorded in the data file?
At the moment to test the calculations needed I created a block where the means and standard deviations are shown using piped text and this shows what we need. However, this is no good as we would not want those shown to respondents and the data is not recorded in the data file. I can't see how to translate those calculations into recorded data.
The link to a test copy of the survey is here:
Hope this makes sense and someone can help
Many thanks

Best answer by Rod_Pestell

Hi Julie,

There should be an option to repeat the header yes - or at least there is for my account.

Yes you create a new field, formula and where you have 'x' 'y' etc. simply select the approrpriate field(s), sum them up and divide by whatever. I am assuming all answers will be answered? in that case it's a static divide by number in each category but if you need to work out average of available the formula is a little more complicated. If you seach within this community you'll find my post about how you do that.

Hope that helps



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  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 334 replies
  • June 17, 2021

hi jfadams
A little confused but are you looking to work out the mean of avaialble? This is possible using a formula in the D&A section.
Regarding display the data, I'm not sure why you are calculating the mean and st dev within the survey. Is there a reason? If there is no real reason, have you considered using the Stats iQ part of Qualtrics? If there is a reason, you can use some javascript to save the values in an embedded field.
Also, from an asthetics point of view, you need to break / group the questions into smaller groups or at least repeat the header so that you can see the header on the same page or else the responder will forget which column is which.
Hope that helps

Rod Pestell

  • Author
  • 2 replies
  • June 17, 2021

Hi Rod_Pestell
I am wanting to calculate the mean for the scores shown in the D&A section - dividing the category score by the number of elements in the category. So in the screenshot below SC3-LAT needs to be divided by 8 9the number of elements in the category), SC2-ISS divided by 2, SC4-ACI divided by 5 and so on for each scoring category.
qualtrics scores.PNGCan I create a formula to do this? I did look at the Create new field - Formula option but could not see how to select the scores from there.
I don't need to show the mean/SD in the survey - that was just there for me to test if these were being calculated as we wanted. We don't have StatsIQ in our license so this not an option unfortunately.
Yes you are right about the length of the matrix questions and losing the header options. I did mention that to the student! IS there an option to repeat the header within a question as you scroll down?

  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 334 replies
  • Answer
  • June 17, 2021

Hi Julie,

There should be an option to repeat the header yes - or at least there is for my account.

Yes you create a new field, formula and where you have 'x' 'y' etc. simply select the approrpriate field(s), sum them up and divide by whatever. I am assuming all answers will be answered? in that case it's a static divide by number in each category but if you need to work out average of available the formula is a little more complicated. If you seach within this community you'll find my post about how you do that.

Hope that helps



  • 1 reply
  • August 20, 2024

Hello Everyone,


I am following up on Julie’s question regarding calculating the mean of a category’s scoring in D&A. We also do not have StatsIQ in our license, so I am not able to access the “recoding” function that is available there. I also don’t have the option in D&A that Rod is talking about either -- ability to create a new field & formula. 


Is there a way to set up D&A to calculate the mean of a category without StatsIQ? 


Thank you! 


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