Randomize Loop & merge table without redrawing between blocks | XM Community
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Randomize Loop & merge table without redrawing between blocks


Dear Qualtrics community,
I’m designing an experiment in Qualtrics. The set-up is quite straightforward, so that’s all fine. The only thing that I’m struggling with is the (pseudo)randomization of my questions. I couldn’t find a solution on the forum, so I was hoping someone can help me with this. The short question is: is there a way to tell Qualtrics to remember which question(s) it has already chosen from a Loop & merge list in previous blocks? Below is a more detailed explanation of the experiment and my question.

The general set-up of the experiment looks as follows: participants hear and see sentence-picture pairs (question). First they listen to a sentence, go to the next page and indicate whether this sentence matches a picture. Then they go to another page and describe a second picture. The combination of sentences and pictures is fixed. This part is no problem.

There are different sentence-picture pairs: (1) experimental sentence-picture pairs; and (2) control sentence-picture pairs. Here things become tricky. I want the control sentence-picture pairs to have a fixed location in the experiment. So, for example, trial 1 should be control sentence-picture pair 1; trial 3 should be control sentence-picture pair 2, etc. The experimental sentence-picture pairs should also have a fixed position in the experiment (for example, trial 2 and 4 should be experimental sentence-picture pairs). However, which exact experimental sentence-picture pair should appear in the designated position should be random. (It is actually more complicated than this, because I have different types of experimental sentence-picture pairs and there are some constraints on their order, but I think for now, this is less of a problem).

So the structure of the experiment would look something like this:
[1. Control sentence-picture pair - item 1]
[2. Experimental sentence-picture pair – random item]
[3. Control sentence-picture pair – item 2]
[4. Experimental sentence-picture pair – random item]
(Note that each item actually consists of 3 questions in Qualtrics.)

I thought I could very easily create this structure by creating separate blocks for the individual control sentence-picture pairs and by creating one block for the experimental sentence-picture pair items. I linked the ‘experimental’ block to a Loop & merge list with all the experimental sentence-picture pairs. I’ve told Qualtrics to only select one sentence-picture pair from the list at random. In the survey flow, I’ve duplicated the experimental block and placed it in the locations where the experimental sentence-picture pairs should appear (in between the control sentence-picture pairs). The good thing is that I can further specify this design by creating separate experimental blocks for my different types of experimental sentence-picture pairs. In principle, this design works, except that Qualtrics doesn’t remember which sentence-picture pairs it has already chosen from the Loop & merge list every time it starts again with the duplicated block. I don't want Qualtrics to re-use sentence-picture pairs it already presented, though.

Is there a way to make this design work? I’ve tried different designs as well, for example with separate blocks or questions for each experimental item. However, this did not work either (for example, 1 block with fixed control and randomized experimental sentence-picture pairs didn’t work, because it removed the page breaks, sentence-picture pairs consist of 3 different questions that should stay paired, and because I want to put constraints on randomization depending on the type of experimental sentence-picture pair). Unfortunately I don’t have experience with Javascript. I would very much appreciate any input, thanks!

8 replies

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5926 replies
  • June 23, 2022

  1. Create a multiple choice question with pairs: control - experimental - control - experimental, etc. (the experimental can be in any order)

  2. Use advanced randomization to randomize only the experimental choices

  3. Hide the question with JS (and click the Next button if it is on its own page)

  4. Base your Loop & Merge on the displayed choices in the hidden question (do NOT randomize the loop). The loops will show in control - experimental - control - experimental order where the experimental are randomized.

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 407 replies
  • June 23, 2022

Rather than using loop and merge, I'm wondering if the thing to do would be to put in a randomizer step, at the very beginning of the flow, that is only to SET all the the randomized selections you'll need (as embedded data), then use what it randomly selected at that step as Pair1 and Pair2 (etc as needed) to inform the rest of the flow.
That would mean that (a) you have all of these set, so it's now in your data which Pairs were to have been assigned at each variable step and (b) you can use those selections for logic in the actual presentation of content later in the flow.
So, what I did for my example was assume we have three "Options" that you want to assign randomly to different "Pairings", and then you would then use Pair1, Pair2, Pair3 later in the survey without worrying about randomizing them later because they were pre-randomized. (I used three just because I wasn't sure if you actually only had 2 instances, or were just simplifying for purpose of posting.)
image.pngI just LABELED them as Option1, Option2, Option3, but you could use more meaningful content you actually intend to pipe in, etc, as needed.
Then I created Groups for each option (to keep everything together and then used nested randomizers and logic to assign the Pairings to options. The top level randomizer is going to process all THREE of the Option level randomizers, which will each assign just ONE Pair to that option. Here's "Group1" which assigns Option 1 to one of the Pairs at random:
image.pngBasically, what it is doing is taking Option 1 and then I used a randomizer to assign that to one of the Pairings IF THAT PAIRING IS EMPTY.
Then I Duplicated this entire group, editing all the Option1 to Option2, and again for Option3. When I ran test responses through, none of the Pairings were blank, and all of them had a randomly assigned "Option" number assigned (no duplicates).
So for your experiment, you would then set it up as:
[1. Control sentence-picture pair - item 1]
[2. Experimental sentence-picture pair – Pair1 (randomly assigned at the start of the survey)]
[3. Control sentence-picture pair – item 2]
[4. Experimental sentence-picture pair –Pair2 (randomly assigned at the start of the survey)]
And you can use the Option or other indicator for analysis, for display logic within the survey, etc.

  • Author
  • 5 replies
  • June 24, 2022

TomG Thank you so much for your answer! Just to make sure I understand correctly: the multiple choice question (step 1) is only 1 question with the answer options being the complete structure of the type of items in the experiment?
The only thing I don't understand yet, is how I can base my Loop & merge on the options in the hidden multiple choice question. Does this mean I have one block which starts with the hidden multiple choice question and then separate questions for the control and experimental items? So something like:
[Block 1

  1. Multiple choice question (hidden)

    • Control item 1

    • Experimental item 1 (random)

    • Control item 2

    • Experiment item 2 (random)

    • Control item 3

    • ....

2. Control item 1 - sentence recording
3. Control item 1 - picture (yes/no question)
4. Control item 1 - picture (typed response)
5. Experimental item (random, e.g., 2) - sentence recording
6. Experimental item (random, e.g., 2) - picture (yes/no question)
7. Experimental item (random, e.g., 2) - picture (typed response)
8. Control item 2 - sentence recording
9. ....]

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5926 replies
  • June 24, 2022

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/47206#Comment_47206Yes, the MC question is one question with a choice for each of the 'pairs' (both control and experimental). All you need is an identifier for each pair - you can add additional fields for each in the loop & merge setup.
The hidden (w/ JS) MC question must be in a block before the loop & merge block. Then base the loop & merge on that question.
Your loop & merge block only needs three questions:

  1. sentence recording

  2. picture (yes/no question)

  3. picuture (typed responsed)

Pipe text and images as needed from loop & merge fields.

  • Author
  • 5 replies
  • June 27, 2022

TomG That works great, thanks! The only issue left now, is that the pseudorandomization does not work when I add an additional experimental condition. So I have experimental condition 1 and experimental condition 2. I have fixed locations in my items list for both type of conditions. For example:
1. Control item 1
2. Experimental item - condition 1
3. Control item 2
4. Experimental item - condition 2
5. Control item 3
6. Experimental item - condition 1
7. ...
I would like to randomize the items belonging to condition 1 and the items from condition 2, but I don't want to mix up the positions of the two types of experimental items. When I use the choice ranomizer I cannot distinguish between the conditions of the experimental items. Is there an (easy) way to do this?

  • Author
  • 5 replies
  • June 27, 2022

CarolK Thanks for your answer as well! I'm not familiar with using embedded data and branching in Qualtrics, but I'm going to see whether I can make it work in my questionnaire.
One thing is not entirely clear to me. When you talk about Option 1, 2 and 3, does that translate to experimental condition 1, 2 and 3? I indeed have different types (4) of experimental sentence-picture pairs and I want to control in which position of the experiment each type of experimental sentence-picture pair appears. So if I understand correctly, I'd need to create 4 'Options'. However, I do not want to randomly assign one of these experimental options to my sentence-picture pairs. Instead, each sentence-picture pair is already of a particular type (1, 2, 3 or 4). If I understand the flow of your example structure correctly, Qualtrics would randomly assign the type to the different sentence-picture pairs. Instead, I just want to tell Qualtrics that:
(1) particular sentence-picture pairs are of type 1, others are of type 2, etc.;
(2) the order of appearance of the experimental types in the questionnaire is fixed (e.g., type 1 appears in position 2, 8 and 20; type 2 in position 4; 6 and 16; etc.); and
(3) the sentence-picture pairs belonging to the different experimental types can be chosen by Qualtrics at random (so if I have 3 different sentence-picture pairs of type 1, these sentence-picture pairs should appear in position 2, 8 and 20 in the questionnaire, but I don't mind in which order).
I hope I made the structure of my experiment a bit more clear. Do you think this kind of set-up could also work with your solution? Or did I misunderstand your explanation?

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5926 replies
  • June 27, 2022

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/47236#Comment_47236No, there is not an easy way to do it. Also, the difficult ways (included the embedded data approach suggested) will result in data that will be difficult to report and analyze because it will have to be decoded to match answers to conditions.

  • Author
  • 5 replies
  • June 28, 2022

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/47241#Comment_47241Ah I see, that's too bad... I'll think about different solutions then, either pseudorandomizing the lists beforehand and assigning participant to one list at random or randomizing sets of questions. Thanks for you feedback!

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