Page breaks not working after importing blocks from library | XM Community
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Page breaks not working after importing blocks from library

  • July 14, 2022
  • 1 reply


I decided to merge two Qualtrics surveys together by uploading blocks from one survey to the library and then importing it into another survey. I first noticed that page breaks were not included in the blocks that were imported. This is annoying but I added them to the relevant blocks. However, now, even though they are added, all the questions are still on one page rather than one question per page.
I attempted to fix this problem by going to look and feel and changing the settings to one question per page. However, this has just caused another problem.
Now, the timer function (Timing question) that automatically advances the next question after 120 seconds no longer works because, I guess, technically they are two questions. Now there is one question per page, the timer is on a separate page to the questions I want the timer to work with. This results in the page not auto-advancing. Overall, it's super frustrating, as when the surveys were separate, everything worked well. Any help or advice you could give would be gratefully appreciated :)

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QPN Level 3 ●●●
  • QPN Level 3 ●●●
  • 238 replies
  • July 14, 2022

When we import questions from different surveys only question texts, choices, related js and recodes gets imported. Even if we have page breaks & display logics they won't be imported. Display logics might if both of the qids (Qualtrics ids) are same, these ids can be found in support mode by holding shift key and selecting it from tools.
Other than that for timer question, I think it has auto-advance been selected for which I'd suggest to remove it or remove the entire timer question and creating new.
Let me know if you need anything else!

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