Suggest adding permissions for free accounts to be able to use App for offline data collection | XM Community
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Suggest adding permissions for free accounts to be able to use App for offline data collection

I have collaborators who do not have a license for Qualtrics but who are the program facilitators at a site 2 hours away from me (I have a license). I would like to request that free account users who are collaborating with license holders be able to use the offline app for data collection, perhaps just for those surveys that they are collaborating on.
Support suggested that I login to all the devices we intend to use to collect data, which is not feasible because of the distance of where the program is held, and they also suggested I give my username and password for them to login as me, which is an even bigger no-no as it is an SSO login ...
This thread on permissions might be relevant, but this seems to be a different feature request than what I'm looking for:

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