Minimal permissions for offline app users | XM Community
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Minimal permissions for offline app users

QPN Level 3 ●●●
  • QPN Level 3 ●●●
  • 162 replies
Dear all, we would need to set an interviewer role for the offline app. The task is to have minimal permissions so that the interviewer can just do interviews in the app but nothing else. Has anyone an idea which these minimal permissions are? Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks and best regards Rudi

2 replies

Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 146 replies
  • June 5, 2019
Have you done some testing with a User Type that only has access to the Offline App? I'm not sure what other access you might have to permission for them, but its worth a shot giving them only Offline App access and having someone share a survey with them and see what roadblocks they run into. I'd test heavily first before you send them out in the field. :)

  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 334 replies
  • November 12, 2019
@Rudi This topic doesn't seems to have been discussed much on the support pages. They always seem to talk about how to use the app and not about setting up a user accounts and user types, that has the correct privileges. So I hope the below helps.... I've recently been working on getting the offline app working and I came across a small article from It talks about the settings when you setup a collaboration and only needing Reporting and Distribution. After some testing, You actually only seem to need Reporting. Another watch out is because web designers these days don't make buttons look like buttons, I never realised until a short time ago that you could click on the word 'details' next to edit and reporting! It gives you alot more control but to be honest for this case you don't need to worry about it too much. below is the pic for my settings ! Having only reporting ticked means the person using this account won't be able to edit the survey, distribute it themselves and control where it's activated or not nor will then be able to take a copy. So it's pretty locked down. But that's only half the story. You need to use a User Type which fills in the missing gaps of permissions. There didn't seem to be a user type setup for offline apps in the 10's of user types that we've got on our account (wish I could hide some as some look very much beta and test related!). So I spend about 1-2 hours on the phone with a helpful Qualtrics Support agent setting up a new user type. Below are the pictures giving all the (minimal) settings you will need to allow a user account log into the offline app and complete a survey. This is as of 12/11/2019 so I can't promise if this will remain valid forever as Qualtrics make changes (often!). Hope this helps Thanks Rod ! General Tab All Project Permissions Disabled _Account Permissions_ Only the following enabled, everything on the page disabled Access API Collaborate Projects Allow JavaScript Allow All HTML Markup Translate Surveys with Google Translate Survey Platform _Project Permissions_ Only the following enabled, every other project permission disabled Survey Platform _Account Permissions_ Only the following enabled, everything on the page disabled Use Offline Mobile App Access Panel Provider API Employee Experience, Site Intercept/Website Feedback and Contacts All disabled / N/A greyed out.

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