SMS Distribution | XM Community
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SMS Distribution

QPN Level 1 ●
Hi all, When sending an SMS distribution, the SMS received by the customer will have a "Sender" that will usually be a phone number of the country. I believe that phone number is the one provided by the supplier of SMS services that Qualtrics use. But, rather than the number, is there a way to customise it? For example for UK, rather than sender of SMS being +44 7903 568 586... could it be "Client's Company Name"?

Best answer by KendraR

Hey, @Luis_Melo_Capventis! This is a great idea to submit as a product idea! If you have not yet already, I’d recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category, as it is a feature not already developed by our team. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea! 😀
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Qualtrics Employee
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  • March 2, 2019
Hey, @Luis_Melo_Capventis! This is a great idea to submit as a product idea! If you have not yet already, I’d recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category, as it is a feature not already developed by our team. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea! 😀

Hi all, I raise thise topic (I don't know if this is the right place to post it) because I think it's important to rename the sander like "the company name" and not with a random phone number. So my first question is : is it actually possible ton change the sander name for a SMS distribution from CX projects ? My second question is : How can we put an unsuscribe link (like send "STOP" to this phone number) directly into the SMS distribution ? Thank you for your answers. Regards, Victor MARCHAL The Adecco Group

QPN Level 2 ●●
  • QPN Level 2 ●●
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  • July 20, 2021

Hi Luis_Melo_Capventis
By default, all SMS distributions sent from Qualtrics are from a phone number (e.g., 888-888-8888). If desired, you may choose to send SMS from an alphanumeric ID instead (e.g., QUALTRICSXM).
SMS Distributions
Victor_MARCHAL you may add something like. Reply STOP to the SMS invite message.
Else if you are using Alphanumeric The STOP keyword does not work for alphanumeric IDs. You need to add an opt-out URL that will opt-out respondents from the contact list. To add the opt-out URL, add this piped text to your message: ${l://OptOutURL}.

QPN Level 1 ●
  • QPN Level 1 ●
  • 35 replies
  • October 6, 2021

Victor_MARCHAL Did you solve your request? I am interesting in do what you are asking for.


QPN Level 1 ●
  • QPN Level 1 ●
  • 35 replies
  • October 6, 2021


So my first question is: is it actually possible to change the sander name for an SMS distribution from CX projects ?

  • No, you should follow the following steps:

There is no additional charge for using an alphanumeric sender ID for most countries. And to request it you have to follow the following steps:
Decide what you want your alphanumeric ID to be. (Alphanumeric IDs can be up to 11 characters long. Accepted characters include uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, the digits 0-9, and space (that is, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). They cannot be just numbers.)
Create a list of the countries to which you plan to send SMS messages.
Contact Qualtrics Support via email to request that your alphanumeric ID be enabled. Be sure to include the information listed above. (If we reply to this email, we can proceed to do so)

  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 334 replies
  • March 7, 2022

Hi Alea ,
I'd just like to check how you got on with this and how you handled the Opt-out process. We're about to setup some SMS tests ourselves and would like to use a name rather than a number, like you have. However, I'm a little unsure how you managed the opt-out process. From the above, it sounds like you add in the piped text ${l://OptOutURL} into the SMS message, however I'm aware that this then converts to a very long URL which would otherwise use up the whole 160 characters would it not? How did you manage this? We need to keep to 160 characters to ensure we don't use up all the credits in one go.

I'm going to reach out to Qualtrics support on this too but would value your experience and guidance on this.


Rod Pestell

  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 334 replies
  • March 14, 2022

Hi All,
Has anyone tried using the piped text ${l://OptOutURL} in an SMS? I've just tried it (albeit a test SMS) but the piped text just remains as ${l://OptOutURL}.
Screenshot_20220314-202639_Textra.jpgHas anyone found it works for them?


Rod Pestell

QPN Level 1 ●
  • QPN Level 1 ●
  • 35 replies
  • March 15, 2022

Rod_Pestell If it is a test sms and not real ones, the piped text appears. You have to try to send it in real form.
It depends on your SMS sending distributor. Twilio allows you in the sender to put the alphanumeric name you want depending on the country.

  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 334 replies
  • March 15, 2022

Thanks for confirming that. The help pages were a little unclear on that. Looks like I have to spend credits to test out the message properly then.
Also, do you know if the optout link opts out at directory level or just mailing list?

QPN Level 1 ●
  • QPN Level 1 ●
  • 35 replies
  • March 15, 2022

Rod_Pestell Yes, I am 100% sure because in my tests I always need to spend my SMS credit to be able to check that everything is correct and how it will reach the client.

I include a thread in Qualtrics where they comment on your concern, but the short answer is that they would unsubscribe from the list and if they need or want anything they should click twice. hope I've helped!

  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 334 replies
  • March 15, 2022

I think you are talking about a directory optout link: ${l://OptOutURL}?OptOut=dir
The thing I wanted to check though does ${l://OptOutURL} in the world of SMS, behave the same as emails and opts out only at mailing list level. whilst ${l://OptOutURL}?OptOut=dir in an SMS opts out at directory.
Did you ever test this?
Rod Pestell