Dear all,
I am designing a survey, in which I want the respondents first list the main activities they did today. Then about each activity, I ask them some questions.
I want to use the loop and merge function of Qualtrics. When they make the list, I ask them to enter a brief description of that activity and the time them did it. For this question, I used matrix table with text entry. Later I want to cite the text they entered.
But I don't know how to base my later question on the earlier list (more specifically, which option to choose on the loop and merge page for a matrix table question). Here are some pictures of my survey. Is there someone that could help me figure out? Thanks.!
Best wishes
Best answer by TomG
Base your loop & merge off the selected choices in your Matrix question. In l&m field 2 pipe in the answer to the brief description column. Then pipe field 2 into your loop question(s).
Base your loop & merge off the selected choices in your Matrix question. In l&m field 2 pipe in the answer to the brief description column. Then pipe field 2 into your loop question(s).
This could have been just a bit clearer... "In l&m field 2 pipe in the answer to the brief description column." totally get the SELECTED CHOICES for L&M and see Field 1 populated - great, but similarly I have a matrix with likert scale 0 - 4 - What do I write in the "Field 2" table for each of the "Field 1s" ? I don't understand the answer - I think you mean something like "${q://QID1/ChoiceDescription/1} ? Just an picture example on the inadequate Loop & Merge documentation would really help for each type of question. Or spelling it out for thickos like me!! Thanks for clarification, obviously Daniel got it!
Just spotted your answer: ${q://QID1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedAnswers/1}, huh? I'll try that, thanks TomG So I was on the right lines.. Sorry I was annoyed with the documentation not being very complete. ( PS the link for 'duplicate answer' goes nowhere, even with 'XM' added to community - that was also part of the frustration )