Problem: No Choices displayed for Question that has Carry Forward Set up from Prior Question | XM Community
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Problem: No Choices displayed for Question that has Carry Forward Set up from Prior Question

  • December 27, 2019
  • 4 replies

I have set up a block that includes a few questions I was hoping would be dependent on each other such that options that were NOT selected for question one would not be presented as choices for Question 2. Here's an example: Q1. What practice are you LEAST likely to use? (forced choice, can only select one) Practice A Practice B Practice C Practice D Practice E Q2. What practice are you MOST likely to use? (forced choice, can only select one) (only display the four that were NOT selected from Q1) Q3. Please rank order the remaining practices in the order in which you would use them (only display the 3 remaining that were NOT selected from Q1 or Q2). In this example, what I would like is if the respondent selected Practice A in Q1, then only B-E would be presented in Q2, and if they select E in Q2 then only B-D would be presented in Q3. I've played around with this a number of ways including using carry forward for the entire question or display logic per choice. Regardless, when previewing, NO choices are displayed for Q2 and Q3. I've tried: * adding and removing page breaks, there is no limit on the number of questions per page, and the questions do not show up on different pages (though I read on Qualtrics site that Carry Forward and Display Logic for choices sets up an automatic page break). * Display Logic per choice * Removing randomization within the block * Removing randomization of choice options within each question I'm wondering: * If anyone has set this up successfully in the past and can provide an example * If the fact that I have branch logic set up dependent on Q1 and Q2 interferes with the ability to present limited selections in Q2. (for example, Group A of 3 blocks is presented only if they select Practice A for Q1 or Q2 Any and all help would be appreciated! Thank you!

4 replies

Level 4 ●●●●
  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 236 replies
  • December 27, 2019
For Q2, carry forward unselected choices from Q1. Similarly for Q3, carry forward unselected choices from Q2. The Carry Forward logic should automatically display each question on a new page, hence you need not add page breaks manually. I would recommend that you try this with a new survey project.

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  • 3 replies
  • December 28, 2019
Mishraji, Thank you for your reply! I have set up my original survey that way and have this problem. I (and colleagues) have created new versions and this set up works fine. I believe I may be having a problem because Branch logic is dependent on Q1 and Q2. For example. the selection in Q1 or Q2 leads the respondent to groups for those respective selections. If they pick Practice A in Q1 and Practice C in Q2 they will get a group of blocks for Practice A and Practice C. I'm wondering if this branch logic requires ALL of the response choices to be presented to each respondent (e.g., to branch based on these, I need to have all five Practices presented in Q1 and Q2). Do you have any thoughts on that?

Level 4 ●●●●
  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 236 replies
  • January 2, 2020
Hi MLH_20, I really don't think that should affect the Q1, Q2 and Q3. I tried creating groups of blocks myself for some of the combinations (A-B, A-C, A-D and A-E) but it had no effect on the Q1, Q2 and Q3. We might be able to get the issue if you can share more details on how these groups have been created.

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  • 3 replies
  • January 3, 2020
Hi Mishraji and all, Thanks for working on this! I also worked with colleagues at my University- for whatever reason, we triple checked and made some test ones. For whatever reason, I had published it several times- logged in and logged out and revisited it across multiple days, but without making changes it is now working. I'm wondering if it just took the system a bit to make the final changes.... Regardless, it's working now so that's good! Thank you for continuing to problem-solve with me! Maria

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