Using an Authenticator while allowing for retakes - populate survey with previous submitted data | XM Community
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Using an Authenticator while allowing for retakes - populate survey with previous submitted data


My survey is using the authenticator functionality in conjunction with a pre-loaded contact list, which is allowing me to pipe in unique, necessary embedded data for each respondent while still only having one distribution URL (the survey is using an anonymous link).
My question is, can I set the authenticator options so that when a respondent retakes the survey, it's pre-populated with their previous responses?
Currently in the authenticator options, I have checked "Allow authenticating respondents to retake authenticated section" and "Reload any previously saved progress upon authentication". I have tested both checking and unchecking the 'Save and continue' option in conjunction with this as well.
Currently when I authenticate and submit responses then re-click the (anonymous) link and authenticate again, the survey opens completely blank (previous selections are not saved). Is there a way that I can change this so that when a respondent wants to retake the survey again, they can see the answers they submitted the first time so they have the option to edit them and resubmit?

3 replies

Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 1449 replies
  • April 20, 2020

For every time the respondent submits the survey, send them the retake link using email trigger, and ask to use that link for any edits. You can generate retake link runtime, search the community for same.

  • 12 replies
  • April 20, 2020

I'm guessing the "Reload any previously saved progress upon authentication" only works until the response is submitted.
The answer to your question depends on whether you only want to capture one response per person or multiple responses per person. if it's the former you could could use the retake link; if its the latter you could try saving answers to a contact list and populating it in the same way you initially do with the existing embedded data.

  • 4 replies
  • September 13, 2021

Hi tanners,
Were you able to find a solution to your question?

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