Trying to create Paired choice questions out of previous answers | XM Community
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Trying to create Paired choice questions out of previous answers

  • February 24, 2020
  • 3 replies

I am trying to create a question that will transfer answers from to six different questions. Basically making a list of items to choose from and pitting them choices against one another to see which comes out on top. I created an example below, hopefully it helps explain what I am looking for. I appreciate the help and I hope this isn't to much of a hassle, I just could not find a tutorial on this! Which are your top four favorite restaurants * a - picked * b * c * d - picked * e - picked * f * g - picked * h * i * j Which of these two do you prefer? * a - picked * d Which of these two do you prefer? * a - picked * e Which of these two do you prefer? * a -picked * g Which of these two do you prefer? * d - picked * e Which of these two do you prefer? * d * g - picked Which of these two do you prefer? * e - picked * g Results a - 3 d - 1 e - 1 g - 1

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Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 54 replies
  • February 24, 2020
Hi @Trae, From the look of things, you'd like to start with a multi-select question with 4 selections and then use the 4 selected options to populate 6 head to head preference questions. Normally I'd suggest using the carry forward or loop and merge functions, but I think embedded data is your best bet as this requires dynamically changing options. Using the survey flow, you can create a number of embedded data labels for the options that need to be filled in (A, B, C, D) at the start of your survey with a default value of 0. After that, you would create branches in the survey flow which will populate that embedded data (A, B, C, D) with the choices from your multi-select question if the embedded data doesn't equal 0 and the other options don't already contain that value. Finally, you can create all your head to head questions using piped text based on your data labels. Here are some screenshots so you can get an idea of what I mean. survey flow example - piped in head to head questions - These articles can help you learn more about survey flow, branch logic, and embedded data if you're unfamiliar with these functions: Survey flow - Branch logic - Embedded data - Let me know if you need any more help! The branch statements are going to be a bit complicated, but this should work as I described. Cheers, Elliot V.W.

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  • 1 reply
  • February 27, 2020
Hey Elliot, I have been having a difficult time with understanding the articles you linked, but thanks to your screen shots, I have figured out how to get the first selection to show up as option A, but I am wondering how I get the next selection from that question to popular as option B? Maybe I am missing something obvious, but I am struggling a bit. You have been super helpful and I thought this was going to be more difficult than it is turning out to be. Trae

Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 54 replies
  • February 27, 2020
Hi @Trae, Great to hear it's going well! This isn't a very straightforward use case, so a bit of struggle isn't unexpected. Looking back I now realize I misspoke. I should've said the condition should populate the embedded data label if it DOES equal zero ( The reason we need this condition is to ensure that only "empty" options are being filled. So the current set of conditions you have set up for the embedded data (If A is equal to 0 AND your choice at the selection was X THEN make A equal X) can't just be copy pasted for B. You need to add an extra condition which stops repeat value from being populated. For example, If B is equal to 0 (so it's empty) AND your choice at the selection was X (so the respondent chose something) AND A doesn't equal X (so B isn't going to populate with the same thing as A) THEN make B equal X ( You'd need to add an extra condition for each option after, so D would need extra conditions to ensure A doesn't equal X, B doesn't equal X, and C doesn't equal X. If that doesn't help you, I'd need to see some screenshots or a more in-depth breakdown of your survey flow. Cheers, Elliot V.W.

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