Add alt tags to image | XM Community
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Creating a popover that is a single image containing the text and graphical elements (see below). How can I add the required alt text to the image to help make it accessible

Hello @Radam,

If you are asking that on clicking "For more details ......Click here" part the user will be redirected to some link then us the following code:

<img src="" usemap="#image-map">

<map name="image-map">

<area target="_blank" alt="Link Description" title="Lets Clean Things Up" href="" coords="455,428,101" shape="circle">



<iframe><img src="" usemap="#image-map">

<map name="image-map">

<area target="_blank" alt="Registration Link" title="Lets Clean Things Up" href="" coords="455,428,101" shape="circle">

Hello @Radam ,

If you want accessebility all over the image then use the following code:

`<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="For More details.....Click Here" /></a>`

Now even if your image dosent get loaded for some reason the user can click the alt text i.e "For more details....Click here", and get redirected to registeration link


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="For More details.....Click Here" /></a>
I understand the concept of alt tag and how to implement them using HTML code I just can't figure out where to put the tag/code in the Site Intercept interface.
Can you check by adding JavaScript on action set?

Support was able to provide me with a easy process.

Instead of adding a image to the canvas, add a box. In the box's menu you can then add a image to the box which will allow you to edit the source; adding the alt tag.
Did you ever receive a solution for your Alt Text question? I am having the same issue with our feedback slider.

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