2nd Survey using info from the first | XM Community
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I have a survey that asks if you are happy. If you say you are very happy, it sends the Promoter email. In this email I would like to include a link to a second survey asking for a referral. Ideally, the user would not have to enter their name and email address again, since they just did that on the first survey.

Is this possible, and if so, how please?

I assume you are using a workflow for sending out the second survey.
If so, you can update the contact list there, too. Add the information and call the respective contact list field in your second survey as an embedded data field
Hope this helps,

best regards


Hi there, Rudi is definitely right about using a Workflow to send out the 2nd survey. Add a condition to the Workflow so that it only triggers if the respondent is a Promoter in the 1st survey, and then use an XM Directory Distribute Survey Task to build the Contact List and send out the 2nd survey. You can also include a reminder email.

Thanks - this is all great.My next question is how can I see the email addresses I sent the 2nd survey to? Ideally I could match them up with who they referred on the second survey since we pay for that info.

Hi there,
if I understand your requirement correctly, all you need to do is to add the wanted fields from the contact list into your 2nd survey as embedded data fields
in order to get the survey history for your respondents you could download the respective contact list
image.pngyou would get something like below:
image.pngif you need a more detailed overview you could think about

  1. add invitationSent = 1, invitationSendDate = date the first survey has been finished, to the workflow in which you send out the invitation

  2. add an worklflow in your second survey updating the contact list with the information: secondSurveyAnswered = 1 and survey2FinishedDate = date the second survey has been finished

  3. finally download the list and compare the dates

Best regards


Depending on what you need in terms of data, this can also be done using a workflow.
Since Rudi just solved a major headache for me, I decided to spend my lunch break trying to help someone else out as well. I just set this up using workflows and embedded data only.
This is how I set it up, if you want an alternative:
You will need two different surveys. One with the NPS question, one with the potential referral items.
As Embedded data in both surveys you need for example "Email" and "Name" (case sensitive).

Now you should work a little backwards, starting with the Referral survey.
In the survey, create two Text Entry fields, you could label the text "Please verify your email" and "Please verify your name".
Then you set the marker in the actual text area and you click on "Default Choices" out to the left hand side.
image.pngIn the pop-up you then specify the default choice as ${e://Field/Email} for the Email, and ${e://Field/Name} for the name (or use the dropdown and navigate to it under Embedded Data Field as below)
image.png Publish the Referral Survey.

Now back to the NPS Survey and go to Workflows.
Create a new Workflow based on a survey response.
The click the little + under the box called "Survey response" and click Conditions.
In the condition you set that this only should be valid for Promoters.
image.pngThen the little + again and choose Task and in the pop-up choose "Email".
In the To: field you write the ${e://Field/Email}, and in the email body you can write for example:
Hello ${e://Field/Name} - Please take this referral survey.
And then you hyperlink the "referral survey" text with a link to the Referral survey, and you need to set it up as follows:
https://[your domain]/jfe/form/[surveyID]?Email=${e://Field/Email}&Name=${e://Field/Name}
Then you hit save, and then you're done.

I just set it up and tried it for fun and works for me so if there are any issues please let me know and I can see if I can help more, better, stronger, faster 🙂

All the best

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