Is there a way to use embedded data to automate a report for 40 group participants? | XM Community

Is there a way to use embedded data to automate a report for 40 group participants?

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There are three different evaluation points that I want to automated to create reports for users using embedded data. Teams are working in groups of 5 (8 total groups) and will evaluate themselves at both the middle of the program and end of the program, and will evaluate 1 other team member at the midpoint and ALL team members at the end point. So i'm working with:

  1. a mid-term self-evaluation

  2. a mid-term evaluation done for 1 other team member

  3. an end of program evaluation (one survey done for themselves and others)

At the end of the program, each participant and their manager receive a compilation of the feedback from all of these evals. Is there a way to automate this reporting with embedded data that can pull all comments about X person into a report for exporting?
Last year we had all program participants enter all of their team members names (including themselves) in an open text format and then provide feedback (strengths and weaknesses). This caused for the output to include ALL answers and a lot of sorting to create an anonymous report which we did in a Word doc to compile all of the feedback that includes self-eval and eval from others. Any ideas? Thanks!

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +61

Sounds complex and a fun task to solve 🙂
There are several sendings and you want to collectively show data over several surveys at the end.
My first guess would be workflows, but then I'm thinking one survey with different blocks that are activated depending on which touch point..
GAH! Let me stop the ramblings here and think about this a little. But fun challenge! :)

Badge +1

Oh! Love the idea of a survey with different blocks (perhaps with display logic depending on what time of year we're conducting the survey)? Any idea of using embedded data so the choices for WHO to evaluate is automated (for example, if the company participant A works at is Insurance Company 1, they'll only see other Insurance Company 1 coworkers on their survey to evaluate... same for Insurance company 2, etc.)? Thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +61

Good afternoon from a sunny Sweden!
The more I think about this the more complex it becomes, haha.
I guess you could add display logic to only show/hide certain values depending on embedded data for the person taking the survey, but it quickly becomes very complex.
Another thing I realized is that if people need to come back and "continue" the same survey later, it can't close as a normal survey would. Instead it's have to be kept open for the full duration and let people come back and continue to fill out the same survey project.
So perhaps backtracking and see if you can design this in a different and less complex way would be good. I'm not good enough to handle the task anyway, haha!
All the best


If you're using a contact list, and you know in advance who is working with who, then you can add these people as embedded variables in the contact list. Then, in your survey, you just pipe in the embedded variable ('company_participant_a'), and the correct name will show up.

Userlevel 7
Badge +38

I think your simplest way is to use one distribution list for three separate survey projects. This allows for consistency of embedded variables that can be more easily filtered when you go to create a report. The advanced report will allow you to pull in data from multiple projects:
You can then decide if global filters or widget level filters by the embedded data values will give you the results you want. It will still require work on your end to set up the multiple filters and then apply them properly and save or duplicate the report for the 40 individuals that are being rated.
Your contact list is key. I think you will want something like:
image.pngIn your third survey you can use blocks to ask questions about each team member and use display logic that if Name <> Team1, show block for Team1; Name <> Team2, show block for Team2... One block will be empty because they rated themselves in the self-evaluation section.
For your reporting you then can set it up display logic so widgets from

  • survey 1 name = SELECTED PERSON;

  • and for survey 2 widgets Midterm_Other = SELECTED PERSON;


I'd also set global display logic for widgets to greater than 0 to hide empty data. I'd put in widgets from all question blocks for your team members because those that aren't for the SELECTED PERSON should end up blank and hide when you look at the public version of the report.
This is all theory and I haven't tested it but hopefully it sends you in the right direction.

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