Hello Community!
I'm curious if anyone has come up with an alternative to delivering individual response summaries and results for selected questions by email tasks in Workflows.
Here's the requirement. I have a series of projects where I need to deliver alerts to others in my organization when a survey is submitted. Some are condition-based (for instance, when the respondent indicates on the survey that a contact person has changed, it triggers a message highlighting the specific change), while others are "always on" (a full response summary is sent).
In previous data collection cycles I've used email tasks in Workflows to deliver these alerts. But we've run into two challenges.
1. The volume of emails is more than the recipients prefer to manage.
2. More problematic: emails are not being delivered because my organization's spam protection and the Qualtrics servers do not communicate with each other, and this causes Qualtrics to flag valid email address in my organization as undeliverable, for no apparent reason. Worse yet, there is no notification to me, as the survey owner or the brand admin, when this occurs, so the emails fail silently. Worst of all, both Qualtrics and my organization's spam protection service say there is no fix for this.
I need to work around this limitation, so I'm wondering if, instead of delivering this information by email, there is some way to save the email alerts and response summaries as files that can then be shared internally. I've looked at the other types of Workflow Tasks available in my account, but none of them are comparable to outputting the responses in the same reader-friendly format that response summaries and email alerts do. Has anyone ever come up with a different way to output and deliver survey summaries and the message content of email tasks when a response is submitted?
Looking for advice on an alternative Workflow Task solution
Best answer by MatthewM
Thank you Tom. The web service call will require support from our IT group, and likely require more lead time than we have for this year's data collection cycle, but it's good to have a direction to point them to for next year. My conclusion is that there is not an existing solution that would enable me to do this by myself.
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