How to add the survey ID into the Directory to filter a response rate widget by the answered survey? | XM Community
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I have one directory feeding 6 surveys and multiple dashboards. I have created my respondent funnel with the embedded data I need and my custom metric to calculate the response rate. Everything works except the fact that my funnel takes into consideration ALL the different surveys and not only this one. I am missing a "unique" value such as the survey ID or something like to add to my respondent funnel and use it as a filter so that as my graphs take into consideration only this survey. Also, a respondent could be responding to multiple of these 6 surveys and each of them should register their own response rate.

Note that I cannot filter by data source as the source is the funnel for the whole directory. I see "campaign ID" but it is related to a specific send out and not the full survey history.

Ideas are super appreciated!

Well I just found my solution.
I needed to filter my Response Rate widgets in the dashboard by the Survey ID and now they only show the appropriate number for this specific survey!

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