Only 15 of my 1000 contacts uploaded. Why? | XM Community
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I uploaded a contact list of about 1000 people, but it says only about 15 uploaded. Why didn’t the other contacts upload?
Was this a new contact list or an updated list? If it was a mix of both, make sure that everyone has a 'ContactID' column containing Contact IDs. If they don't have this, new contacts won't be uploaded

If everyone is a new contact, it could be that only those 15 had emails. In order for a new account to be created, it would need an email.
It's also worth noting that refreshing your account may fix this. sometimes the count is off until the account is refreshed.
@KatC - it was a new list...but some of the addresses on it may already live in my Target Audience directory

@AnthonyR - thanks for the tip. I refreshed but it didn't seem to solve it.
It's worth noting that contacts must have an Email column defined in order to be imported properly.

If you don't have this info for some members, putting in a fake email, and updating it when it becomes available would be my recommendation.
Hi Poppy,

Deduplication is most likely enabled for your organization. Deduplication checks each contact being uploaded to see whether or not the contact exists already in your organization's Target Audience Directory. If a contact does already exist, a new contact will not be created; however, that existing contact will be updated with any new information you've provided in your .csv file. So, you may have only created 15 new contacts, but you potentially updated 985 existing contacts in your organization's TA Directory; though, it may be unlikely that all 985 contacts had changes made.

Usually the email field is solely used for deduplication, though your organization can also include an External Data Reference. In this case, both values (Email & EDR) would have to match to update an existing contact. If only the email address matches, but the EDR doesn't, you could import multiple contacts with the same email.

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