I have a survey where we have a matrix type question which uses the ‘carry forward’ type question behaviour, then each ‘answer’ has 3 text entry scale points.
We want to then pipe those answers out to another output summary - but I’m unable to pipe out those specific answers, and I am unable to identify if there’s a correct option available.
For reference, using ${q://QID##/ChoiceGroup/DisplayedChoices}, ${q://QID##/ChoiceGroup/DisplayedAnswers}, or ${q://QID##/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} give me either nothing, the text from the left hand carried forward column, or literally “column header 1”, “column header 2”, “column header 3” which is not particularly helpful (and perhaps a very literal interpretation of “Selected Choices” by the devs).
An example of what I’ve created is below.