Qubie Question: Importing Many-to-Many B2B Account Client Roles | XM Community
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We're using the Salesforce AccountContactRelation object to create a many-to-many relationship so a given Contact (intended survey recipient) can have multiple roles on various Accounts they may be involved with. Is it possible to mimic that with the B2B Account Client Roles object in the XM Directory? The instructions make it seem like the roles can only be loaded from a Contact file or feed, which would then seem to point to having only one Qualtrics Role record per Contact. Ideally, I'd like to be able to load the Account Client Roles from an Account file or feed, like this:
(Account.Id implied)
contactExternalReferenceId (choose Salesforce field from Account)
(multiple copies of the above 2 lines, to map Qualtrics Account Client Roles to particular fields on the Account object which would contain Contact IDs).

The ultimate goal would be to survey users in Role A from some subset of accounts on Monday, and then survey users in Roles B and C on some other set of accounts on Thursday, with awareness of which users in the second set were also in the first set and so to possibly not re-survey them.
Thanks for any help or advice!

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