Can you add a free text option/choice when adding a list using the Multiple choice, Multiple Answer | XM Community
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In this situation: When adding a question with the following format 'Multiple choice', 'Multiple Answer', 'Vertical' drop down list and you wanted to add a list of options/choices plus 'other' as one of the options/choices: Q. Can you add a 'free text' section next to the 'other' option/choice if users choose 'other'. Other, means I want to know more and can they type their response in. I have tried a few things but does not seem to work and wanted to avoid adding another question underneath. I am not fussed about which format I use, but as log as I can have an other option that allows people to free text. thanks Kathy
Yes. If you still want to use "drop down" style multiple choice, then the open-ended feedback box will need to be on the next page.

If you use just radio button selection (preferable for mobile users), then you can apply in-page display logic that will populate the text-box whenever "other" is selected.

Also, if you select the "other" option (small blue error under choices), you should have an option to "allow text entry". This will also achieve your goal.
Hello @Kathy_D

Yes, you can and its good to force a response on text entry box to prevent respondent from proceeding further just by clicking "other" option.

Perfect thank you very much. Kathy
Hello, I want to use the drop down style response but still keep a free text option for one answer. I'm struggling to see a way to do this in the page, without adding another question underneath, can anyone help?


Hi @NatalieH

In drop-down you can't add text box, for this you can only trigger text box question.
Hello @NatalieH ,

@bansalpeeyush29 is right, there is no such scope. One thing you can do is set a embedded data for this question.

1. If a text option is selected then display a text question using display logic and set embedded data value as the answer of the text question.

2. If the text option is not selected, then set the answer of the dropdown question as the embedded data value.

By doing this, you need to only refer the embedded data as the answer of the dropdown question in data and analysis. Hope you get the idea.
Thanks for your responses, I've added a text option question using display logic, however I'm not sure how to set the answer as embedded data? Would you kindly screen shot this for me or point me in the direction of an online guide?

Thank you

Hi Shashi,

Just wanted to add there is no need to set embedded data here as for data analysis purpose it is always best to refer text variable.

Here in this there will be two variables one coming from drop down and other open end variable.

Like in single select questions if we have other specify data for other is stored in another variable. Like q1_97_other
> @NatalieH said:

> Thanks for your responses, I've added a text option question using display logic, however I'm not sure how to set the answer as embedded data? Would you kindly screen shot this for me or point me in the direction of an online guide?


> Thank you

> Natalie

Please visit this page(specially piped text section of the page)


1. Below image shows the question and display logic for the open text question.


2. Now in the survey flow, below your question block add new element branch and add condition as- if text option is selected for drop down question and below that add embedded data and set the value as value of open text question as shown in the image below:


3. Next, add another branch after the previous branch and give condition as- if text option is NOT selected in drop down question and below that below that add embedded data(with same name as above) and set the value as value of selected choices of the drop down question as shown in the image below:!

4. Here is the final image of the survey flow!

5. Now during analysis, you need to see only the embedded data for this question(in this case i.e image -"DropDownAnswer")

Hope you will get the implementation.
> @bansalpeeyush29 said:

> Hi Shashi,


> Just wanted to add there is no need to set embedded data here as for data analysis purpose it is always best to refer text variable.

> Here in this there will be two variables one coming from drop down and other open end variable.


> Like in single select questions if we have other specify data for other is stored in another variable. Like q1_97_other

Thanks for this information. That means NatalieH concern is only about the new question in survey because according to above info any how new variable is created in data analysis.
Thank you both very much for your help and for clarifying the data analysis, I'm still learning!

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