📚️ Understanding the Customer Journey Optimizer | Basecamp Wednesdays | July 19th 2023 | XM Community
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📚️ Understanding the Customer Journey Optimizer | Basecamp Wednesdays | July 19th 2023

📚️ Understanding the Customer Journey Optimizer | Basecamp Wednesdays | July 19th 2023
Former XM Community Team Member
  • Former XM Community Team Member
  • 447 replies

What is Basecamp Wednesdays?


Every Wednesday we will look at different topics discussed on XM Basecamp and provide a brief description of the Basecamp resource.

Whether you’re just getting started on your XM journey or ready to take your program to the next level, this weekly series is meant to help all users find Basecamp resources. 


Basecamp Wednesdays | July 19th 2023

Topic: Understanding the Customer Journey Optimizer


Experience data (X Data) consists of subjective and qualitative information that helps measure data related to sentiment or attitudes towards certain experiences. Operational data (O Data) is quantitative, structured, and consists of objective information such as website traffic or revenue.


The Customer Journey Optimizer (CJO) platform integrates both to form a holistic view of the customer’s experience and identify their goals, friction points, and experience gaps. After identifying what customers want to achieve & understanding their sentiment towards their experiences, ideal customer journeys can be created to help customers achieve their desired outcomes more efficiently.


Throughout these journeys, you can activate customer experience platforms like email campaigns and text messaging to lead customers back to an efficient path toward their intended business goal.


Learn more about the new CJO platform in this new Basecamp Course today!


Where to find this course:

  1. Go to XM Basecamp.
  2. Search for Becoming an Effective Customer Journey Optimizer (CJO) User.
  3. Click Register.
  4. Find the Introduction section.
  5. Select the Defining Qualtrics Customer Journey Optimizer module.


Basecamp LinkBecoming an Effective Customer Journey Optimizer (CJO) User

Qualtrics Resources: 

Question of the Week: Have you heard of customer journey optimization before? If so, how would you define it? If not, how do you think it would help your customers reach their goals?

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