Delete the space created by a hidden question | XM Community
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I use the "display:none" style a lot to ask my questions in a text block in order to apply display logic. Unfortunately, this creates a very unsightly white space between my text block (question) and the items of my question block.
What can I do for :
- remove the white space following my text block (question)
- or prevent the "display:none" of my question block from creating a space
Thanks for your help

Hi there,
would you please describe your issue in a little bit more detail? If I understand this correctly you have the question text in a text/ graphic node, then you leave the question text empty (respectively hide the question text with "display: none" and use only the answers from the multi-select question?
Is my understanding correct?
Best regards

Thank you Rudi, you understood my issue perfectly.
What can be considered to "bring together" the two blocks (text/graphic node and multi-select question) ?


the most obvious thing would be to have the text in the question text. But as this is so obvious there must be a reason why you are not doing this.

you could try this:

 let questionOuter = document.getElementsByClassName("QuestionOuter")
 let questionText = document.getElementsByClassName("QuestionText")
questionOutert0].style.padding="0 0 0 0"
 Looks something like below then:

It works perfectly, thank you !
If I don't write the text of the question in the question itself, it's because I use different ways of addressing the customer depending on where they come from. I'm using display logic for this but I won't reproduce my question multiple times. Only text and if I'm not mistaken qualtrics doesn't allow it yet ?

I was wrong, your code actually hides the text field previous to the question.

where did you put it? and how many questions do you have? :-)
you might need to change the values in []

best regards


I have 2 formulations of questions. I inserted your code in JS.
But your proposal put me on the track of a solution. I used in my text questions :
jQuery("#"+this.questionId).find('.QuestionText:first').css("padding-bottom", "0px");
and in my question with smiley :
jQuery("#"+this.questionId).find('.QuestionText:first').css("margin-bottom", "-3em");
and the result seems to work:

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