Display logic within question possible? | XM Community
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I have a Loop Merge set of questions.  However if there is only 1 loop necessary, I want the language to omit the Loop and Merge Field1 and Field2 without having to create 2 sets of questions.


What is the age of the ${lm://Field/1}${lm://Field/2} child?

If only 1 child: What is the age of the child?


If more than 1 child: What is the age of the 1st child?…. What is the age of the 2nd child?

Hi @Rhaven Nelson , you could try this :

/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/

var totalLoops ="${lm://TotalLoops}";
if (totalLoops == 1) {
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .QuestionText").html("What is the age of the child?");



@Rhaven Nelson,

You can do it with a bit of JS. Assuming you captured the number of children in a previous question, you can do the following.

Question html:

What is the age of the <span class="ordinal">${lm://Field/1}${lm://Field/2}</span> child?


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
if("{pipe number of children here}"=="1") {
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .ordinal").hide();


Thank you!!

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