How do I make sure a participant listens to/watches a video within my survey? | XM Community
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Basically, I need to make sure my participants are forced (harsh wording but I cannot think of anything else) to participate in an embedded game cognitive test within my survey. I want to know that they have actually done the cognitive test before moving on to the next portion of the survey. Also, there are video clips that they need to listen to as well. Does anyone know how to do this? Is there some sort of coding that I can use for this?
Hello @fine_time17 ,

Please see this post

If you can describe more on method embedded cognitive test that will be helpful.
You can easily use the "Timing" question type on the same page your video is, on the options on the right the first one is "Enable submit after (seconds)", simply add the length of your video here in seconds and the next button will be hidden until the video's time has run.

It's not perfect, the user might not hit play straight away (if you don't have autoplay enabled) but it is very simple to implement and I've found fairly reliable.

If you do have auto-play enabled you can also think of having "Auto-advance after (seconds)" used to move the page forward a second or two after the video's finished running.

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