how to embed randomized images within a survey question | XM Community
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Hello! I am trying to embed a single image in a survey question that I want to be randomly selected from a large number of images.
I have saved the set of source images in my Graphics library in qualtrics. I think the best way to do this may involve some kind of loop and merge and/or embedded data, but I have tried a large number of things based on other threads and none of them have worked!
Any thoughts on how to do this (esp with specific examples of html code) would be greatly appreciated.

Have this in your question HTML

Set up a L&M by copying the URLs from the library. (I'm putting them in the first field in the code above, you can change accordingly). Then select randomize, and display only 1 of the total loops.
Make sure, none of the rows are empty, otherwise you'll get a blank question once in a while. is exactly what I did most recently! But I just see blank space instead of an image when I preview the survey.

Do you have any empty rows?
Nope, but it turns out this does actually seem to be working when I preview the whole survey -- it just doesn't show up when I choose "view block" for that block alone.
Follow-up question: what's the best way to capture which image is shown to a particular respondent? i.e. which loop they got to see? Looks like Qualtrics does not record this automatically, but I'll need to know which image each respondent saw.

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