How to make spaces between scale points in matrix table equal? | XM Community
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I have a problem of unequal spacing between scale points (see the pic below). How do I make these spaces the same? Any of the answers I found on search I found useful.
Thank you very much in advance.
Bez tytułu.png

Hi lookinganswer ,
Qualtrics uses the the length of the text in the column headers to determine the width of each column. Because some column headers in your example are phrases and others are just a single number, the spacing will be different from column to column.
As a solution, you might try making all of the column headers numbers only, and using the "Labels" option to put the phrases above the column headers (if that's applicable here; sorry, I don't know Polish!).
It's possible that a Javascript solution may exist, but I don't know that much better than Polish.

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