Need to show an updating average of sliders | XM Community
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I'm trying to code a survey. I have a set of 6 sliders that I would like to present to my survey participants to have them select a value from 1-10. I am aware I can do this using either individual slider questions or the constant sum with the slider option.
However, what I am having difficultly with is I would like to present an updating average on the screen with the sliders (average rounded to the nearest integer)
For example:
If the sliders were set to the following:
Slider 1: 5
Slider 2: 4
Slider 3: 7
Slider 4: 6
Slider 5: 8
Slider 6: 4

Then it would show:
The current average is: 6

And this average would update as the user updated the sliders. If sliders aren't possible than I would use text entry boxes instead of the sliders, but sliders are preferred.

Thanks for your help!

Use JS Mutation Observer to get the current slider value, and calculate and show the average result accordingly.

Do you have an example of a Mutation Observer code section?

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