Can you change the number of stages of a template? | XM Community
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Can you change the number of stages of a template?

I am attempting to create a repeated public goods game with 6 rounds and the template had 10 and I am getting this error. Not sure if this is possible. Thank you in advance for help.
ERROR 203 : The number of stages in the existing data (10) does not match the number of stages defined for this participant (6).

Best answer by NicolaMangra

Solved. By changing the studyID there is no conflict anymore between the existing data and the new surveyflow with different number of stages.

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I know it’s been two years now but did you manage to solve this?

I’m struggling with the exact same error, trying to design a repeated dictator game. I thought it was because the existing data is gathered with a certain number of stage (1) while the new survey flow is set with 20 stages so these two could conflict but even though I delete the existing data I keep getting this error.


Solved. By changing the studyID there is no conflict anymore between the existing data and the new surveyflow with different number of stages.

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