✏️ Distributing Surveys via SMS | Getting Started Mondays | August 14th 2023 | XM Community
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✏️ Distributing Surveys via SMS | Getting Started Mondays | August 14th 2023

  • 14 August 2023
  • 3 replies
✏️ Distributing Surveys via SMS | Getting Started Mondays | August 14th 2023

What is Getting Started Mondays?


Every Monday we will highlight a Core XM feature, and the post will include a description of the chosen topic, a support page, and related community content. The goal of this weekly series is to help users find support pages or community posts that relate to the topic. Remember to always contact Qualtrics Support for product-related issues or urgent questions.

Getting Started Mondays | August 14th 2023


Topic: Distributing Surveys via SMS


Even though mobile optimization is a common practice among survey creators, a commonly overlooked form of distribution is SMS.


The two forms of SMS distribution available on Qualtrics include sending a link to the survey to be taken on a mobile browser and a 2-way interaction where respondents text their replies to each question. This distribution method uses phone numbers instead of emails, but other aspects such as scheduling messages, reminders, and viewing distribution history are similar to email distribution. 


If you’ve been seeing a decrease in survey completion through emails and social media, it might be time to consider a more effective way to reach your audience and collect on-the-go pocket feedback!


How to find this feature:

  1. Go to your Survey Project.
  2. Go to the Distributions tab.
  3. Click the Text Message (SMS) tab.
  4. Click Send a Message.

Support Page Link

Community Post Links

Question of the Day:  Has your team ever used SMS to distribute your surveys? How do your SMS surveys perform in comparison to other forms of distributions?

3 replies


Hello, everybody. 

I really need your help here! In my team we’re using SMS distribution in a EE survey. However, we’re testing it with a small group before going live. However (and here’s where I need you, pleaseeee), the people in the testing group isn’t receiving it even the information is good. Does somebody know what can it be? What should I do to solve it?



Userlevel 7
Badge +20

@camilaruizr_VOCE  Hm, this sounds like it may not be intended functionality. If you haven't already, I'd recommend reaching out to our Support team, as they are best equipped to handle an issue like this. 😁




We plan to send a weekly survey invite via SMS to customers who opted in, the numbers of which we upload every Monday morning. Is there a possibility to schedule the distribution of the survey invite so only people who got added in the new import batch get sent the invite link?

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