Features Released On Or Before June 20, 2024
- Custom Metrics: The interface for custom metrics in dashboards has been updated for an improved user experience.
- Legacy Dashboard Access: The button to access legacy dashboards has been moved to Dashboard Settings and the switch-back banner has been removed. This applies to CX, EX, BX Dashboards, and Results Dashboards.
- Intelligent Scoring: Intelligent scoring navigator provides a space where you can create, edit, and manage rubrics used in intelligent scoring.
- ArcGIS Integration: The ArcGIS Map question type and extension allows you to collect and analyze geospatial data within your surveys, enhancing the depth and scope of research. Location-based data can be collected with the ArcGIS question, providing precise geographic context to responses. This data can then be sent to ArcGIS using the Update ArcGIS workflow task, allowing for granular visualization and analysis.
New Support Pages
- SMS Credits & Opt-Outs: Information about SMS credits and opting out from SMS distributions has been moved to its own support page to increase discoverability. There are no changes to SMS product functionality.

Features Starting On & After June 26, 2024
- Editable Widgets in PPTX Export: When exporting Results Dashboards and BX Dashboards, there’s an option to download widgets that are editable in powerpoint.
- Online Panels: Online panels are a new distribution method for survey projects. Researchers can use online panels to access Qualtrics’ network of panel partners, define targeting criteria for their desired audience, and launch to respondents from directly within the platform.
CX Dashboards
- Respondent Funnel in the Data Modeler (CX): Using the data modeler, you can now build dashboards with respondent, contact, and survey data, all in the same reports.
- Generating Test Responses (EX): You can now generate test responses for Engagement, Lifecycle, Ad Hoc Employee Research, and Pulse projects. This allows you to build a sample dataset based on your org hierarchy to test your dashboard and roles before launching your program.

Features Released On Or Before June 20, 2024
Employee Experience
- Comment Summaries Widget: A new widget that takes your team’s feedback and uses AI to create insightful summaries and highlight key topics. This widget is ideal for very large teams and organizations, where it can be difficult to go through thousands of individual responses. Compatible with Engagement, Lifecycle, Pulse, and Ad Hoc Employee Research, but only in eligible licenses.

*Disclaimer: The content provided on this webpage is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.
If you have any questions about the product updates featured in this list, our support team is happy to help you with your request.
If you have questions about what’s on the product roadmap, please see our Product Roadmap page. If you’d like to contribute to the product roadmap, please visit the Product Ideas category.
You can provide feedback on the Weekly Product Release Notes here.