Can I export specific block's of responses in a survey? If so, how? | XM Community
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I am working on creating a survey for an occupancy verification process for all of our multiple residential communities, I've created branch logic for each community (i.e. I live in Cole Village --> Cole Village specific questions, including student name and ID number).
Currently when I export, I get ALL the data, from every block, but I only want to export the data from the Cole Village. Is there a way to export a specific block of data?

If you set a group of columns of the data (eg, the columns that represent that block) in your Data & Analysis tab, then when you export the data, you can unselect "Download all Fields" to get only the fields that are in your view. Then if you first filter to "Cole Village" only, you'd get the export of the Cole Village residents for only their block of data.
Probably you'd want to save the Layout (columns desired) for each of your residential communities, so that you can easily "swap" between different subsets of data columns, rather than reset them each time.
(All that said, how different are the questions for each community? If they are basically the same questions, I would use the first question to generate any dynamic content (eg parse the name of the community into the follow up questions) so that just filtering is enough to get you 99% of the way to the data you want without so much "fiddling" with it. But you know your use case better than I do, so I'm sure you have your reasons! 🙂 Good luck and I hope this helped.

Hi Carol!
WOW! That was EXCELLENT! Literally exactly what I needed. I've been able to create different layouts for each community.
The questions aren't all that different, but it's just a matter of units vs bedroom vs apartment that are different in our separate communities!
Thanks again! My team is THRILLED

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