'Contacts' option not available in main menu | XM Community

'Contacts' option not available in main menu

  • 18 July 2023
  • 5 replies

Badge +2


I’m following instructions on how to create a new contact list (see this link: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/contacts/contact-list-overview/#ContactFields) but I don’t have the ‘Contacts’ option in the main menu. How do I add a Contact list without having that to click on in the main menu? Thanks.


What the Qualtrics help page says the menu should look like, with Contacts option…



What my menu looks like… No ‘Contacts’


5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +20

Hi @acarrad 

It is possible that you don’t have the necessary permissions or access to create and manage contact lists.  Contact your admin 

Badge +2

Hi @acarrad 

It is possible that you don’t have the necessary permissions or access to create and manage contact lists.  Contact your admin 

Thanks for the quick reply and suggestion, Bhavya. Seems pretty crazy that my university would have those settings restricted given that we’re a research institute and we do loads of surveys! But I’ll give contacting the IT people a go. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hi @acarrad , 

If you don't see the "Contacts" option in the main menu of your Qualtrics account, it's possible that you don't have access to the "Contacts" module. Access to certain features in Qualtrics is managed through user permissions, and only users with the appropriate access level can see and use specific modules.

To create a new contact list, you'll need to ensure that you have the necessary permissions or ask your Qualtrics account administrator to grant you access to the "Contacts" module. If you are not an administrator or account owner, you may need to reach out to the appropriate person within your organization to request access or assistance in setting up the contact list.

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

Looks like your brand is on XM Directory instead of Contacts. It is likely you are on XM Directory Lite. We migrated from Contacts to XM Directory Lite and the experience has been pretty much the same.


Check out the first FAQ at the bottom of this page:



"First, let's explain what each of these features are. Contacts and XM Directory Lite allow you to create mailing lists and upload contacts for survey distribution. XM Directory Full allows you to created centralized and connected directories, preventing information on contacts from becoming siloed and out of date as different teams collect data. Additionally, XM Directory allows for running programs at scale with automations and transaction data support.


To determine which feature you have, open the global menu in your account. If it says "Contacts," you have access to the older iteration of Contacts. If your menu says "Directories," you may have access to either XM Directory Full or XM Directory Lite."

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SOLVED: Answer from my organisation’s “people”…

We have an upgraded version of Qualtrics which means there is no “contacts” option in the menu, but rather “directories” which has the same functions and more.

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