Download all image URLs from graphics library folder at once | XM Community
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Hi all, this is related to this question here, but I figure there may be a simpler solution, and this is as good of a separate issue as any.
Basically I'd like to place images inside my survey and I'd like those images to be displayed depending on a respondent's answer to a previous question. Your first instinct might be to use embedded data. That works fine for a few images, but not for hundreds like I intend to use.
Instead, I've found I can do this using Javascript, however, the issue that I'm running into is that there is no way for me to point the Javascript code to the image without manually copying every single URL, since the Qualtrics generated URL is random and has nothing to do with the characteristic of the respondent I'd like for it to match.
I wonder if there's a way to copy the image URLs of every image from a particular folder in the graphics library along with their description to facilitate this. Then I could easily match a respondent's response to the image description and subsequently the URL.
For example, assuming the respondent can pick two choices: let's call these option "1" and option "2". And there are two separate images: let's call these "option_1.png" and "option_2.png"
If I could download each URL I could make a little mapping like so:
respondent choice -> image description -> image url
1 -> option_1.png -> random_jibberish_url_1
2 -> option_2.png -> random_jibberish_url_2
Is this possible?

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