Linking two surveys used for quality control | XM Community
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Linking two surveys used for quality control


Hello Community,

I am working on two surveys that are gathering data on incident reports, one for Compliance (Clery Act, specifically crime classification) and the other for Records (quality assurance). We both are charting incident report numbers, so that answer repeats in the Compliance and Records responses.

As a result of how we work, the Compliance team is always ahead of the Records team in reviewing reports from the relevant database.

Is there a way that I can push Compliance information into the Records survey and have it trigger emails when Records completes a review of the same report? We already have email triggers set on the Records survey when QA issues are noted.

For example, Compliance reviews report number 152 on Monday and notes a misclassified crime on the survey. Records reviews 152 on Tuesday and notes a date error in the report narrative. The Records survey has an email trigger set that will notify the report approver of the error, but we want to pull in the Compliance information from the same report as well.

Thank you.

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