Longitudinal research with randomization and personalized followup | XM Community
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Hello guys, I have a doubt about how to program a questionnaire.
I am doing a logitudinal research that starts (t0) with a randomized scenario (3 conditions). The data collection will be anonymous via a link on the internet, but we can ask people to leave their emails.
I would like to invite people for 2 more data collections (t1 and t2) at a 1 week intervals.

In this case, I would like to invite everyone who responded to condition 1 in the randomization of t0, to answer the same condition 1 in t1 and t2.

As well as who answered condition 2 in t0, answer condition 2 in t1 and t2. Same in condition 3.
In other words, there is a randomization at t0 but at t1 and t2 I would like to invite people, through qualtrics, to follow the condition answered at t0 and at defined intervals, every 1 week (automatically).
Is it possible to program this in qualtrics? Do I need to create 3 new questionnaires for each of the three scenarios for the following times (t1 and t2)? Can I schedule automatic sending of emails at defined time intervals in these cases?
Best regards

Angelo Brandelli Costa

Hi angelobrcosta ,
You should be able to do this in a single survey. Are you contacting your respondents for t1 and t2 via email through Qualtrics? If so, you can add their responses to t0 as embedded data in the email list and use display logic. And you could then schedule distributions for t1 and t2 once you have the email lists loaded into Qualtrics.

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