Merging multiple text-entry data into a single embedded data for participants BEFORE survey end | XM Community
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Hi Community,
I am looking to collect text-entry data for a project, but I was wondering whether it is possible to merge this text-entry data into a single embedded data field to display to participants BEFORE the survey is complete (so not using 'concat' after the responses are submitted).
I shall provide an example: So below are three different bits of text entry data that I am collecting (a code they are given, their initials, and their age):
Text-Entry 1: A00000001
Text-Entry 2: RJ
Text-Entry 3: 26

If I were to concat these after they were recorded, I can end up with something like: A00000001_RJ_26 <-- which is the desired appearance of a new code I wish to display to participants. However, this cannot be displayed as it happens after the survey ends. I would need the data to be merged into something similar to the desired appearance above, which can then go into an embedded data field and then displayed to participants at the end of the survey.
Is this a possibility? I have had a look at similar issues within the community and does not appear so, but just wanted to ask. I may have to do this manually with getting participants to insert the data into a single text-entry field and using this as a single embedded data field.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance.

You don't need custom code for this. In the survey flow just set the value of an embedded data to:


Now this embedded data will contain the value:

And you can then use it to display the code at the end.

ahmedA is right. If you want that embedded variable to be set during the survey, then you will need to create at least two question blocks in Survey Flow.
Block 1 (collect at least all the data you need for the concatenated value)
Embedded Data (see the advice above)
Block 2 (ask the rest of your questions, you could then pipe in the embedded data value within this block to show to the user if that is what you are going for.

Apologies for the delay - thank you both!

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