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Survey will not display all questions. There are no logic set-ups. Reason?

So there is no display logic on questions or branching in Survey Flow? No javascript on questions hiding questions? Is it only this one survey or all surveys? Maybe a license issue?

Greetings, Pogi. No skip logic. It is a survey that was copied from another in which items were deleted and then items added. The added items will not display. The added items are matrix tables. Qualtrics is concerned with the number and the number of rows as it may impact response rates, but for this survey I do not have that problem.

Greetings, Pogi. I have discovered the issue. It's a descriptive text block prior to the added items. Moving it resolves the problem. Thanks for your willingness to help. You get points in my book for doing so.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/35153#Comment_35153Glad you figured it out. 🙂

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