Multiple respondents completing the same survey | XM Community
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I am currently running a survey and have the need for multiple people (from the same group completing 1 return) to complete different parts of the survey.
Is it possible to have a landing style from page that people can go directly to different sections of the survey and then come back to once the section has been completed?
If the above is possible, are you able to programme a "section completed" notification on the landing page? eg section A - completed Section B - Outstanding

yes, you should use Qualtrics Table of Content functionality. Please refer below link.

OllieW In addition to the ArunDubey suggestion of Table of Contents, you'll need to do a couple of other things.
1) You'll need to provide your users with a retake link to the survey so they can continue adding responses to the same survey.
2) Regarding marking sections complete, this is a two-step process. First, in the survey flow, you'll need to create branch logic that assigns blocks complete/incomplete based on your criteria. Then, you'll add that embedded data field as piped text within the survey block name.

Thank you both, this is extremally helpful.
Could I ask, when providing a retake link, is this possible to do on the same distribution email and I am assuming the retake link is personal to each survey link so the original distribution would all have to be personal links?

Hi OllieW , there is no need of retake link. All you need to do is to complete all the sections of table of content through one personal link then they will move to conclusion page. Then you can submit your response at once. Just to avoid any confusion, follow the procedure and instructions properly from support site and create TOC in your survey and then test it. You will understand the working of TOC. All the best. 😇👍🏻

Thank you, jmborzick for all the well noted points.

OllieW if you want multiple people to complete the survey, or if you want to complete the survey in multiple sessions, you'll need to use a retake link. You assumed correctly that this link is generated after the survey is submitted the first time. The easiest way to share this link is via email workflow or by adding the link to a records grid in the dashboard.
Three warnings when using retake links. 1) Be sure that you set it to delete the prior response or you'll end up with duplicate responses. 2) The retake link is going to change each time the form is submitted so you'll need to have a process to ensure that people don't reuse old links. 3) You also need to make sure that you don't have multiple people using the retake link at the same time.

jmborzick , If I'm not wrong there is a difference between reentry and retake setup. Retake will mark multiple completes from same link. But reentry will allow respond to complete one survey from different devices. Retake will consume completes. In TOC reentry is required. Like one department will complete one section then link owner can send the same link to another department fill another section. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

ArunDubey What you are describing is possible, but it would require that until the survey is ready to be officially submitted as complete, the respondent doesn't ever end the survey and instead closes the window so that the survey remains incomplete. I would be nervous about all users following those instructions.

Yes, but we can handle this through instruction note. Actually I did that earlier and that's why I was suggesting reentry instead. Thanks much for your response

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