Randomization and Display Logic | XM Community
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I’m struggling to combine randomization with display logic:

I have a block with 84 questions. Every question contains the possibility to answer with yes/no. If the participants answers the questions with no, a new Multiple Choice question opens with 8 options to choose from (for all the 84 questions the same). In the analysis afterwards, I need to know how participants rated the “no” answers.

The problem: The questions should be randomized within the block and I, therefore cannot include Display logic.


Does anyone know a way I can randomize the questions and include for all of the “no” answers a display logic?


Thanks a lot!!

@eva123 It looks like your problem can be solve with loop and merge feature. 84 field for 84 question with then same answer set (make sure to check the randomize option). 

Then you can use display logic for the 2nd MC question (choose curent loop).Loop & Merge (qualtrics.com)

Hope this helps

Hi @Nam Nguyen

thanks for your fast response! As I'm fairly new to Qualtrics, I unfortunately can't get to your solution after trying a couple of things... Could you please explain the solution steps in more detail?

How do I insert my 84 questions in Loop & Merge or what do I insert in Field 1? 

For the Display Logic for the 2nd MC question: is this question in the same block as the 84 questions or in a separate block? And do I insert the Display Logic for the 2nd MC just 1 time, and it appears for all 84 questions rated with “no” because of the Loop?


Thanks a lot again!

@eva123 It looks like your problem can be solve with loop and merge feature. 84 field for 84 question with then same answer set (make sure to check the randomize option). 

Then you can use display logic for the 2nd MC question (choose curent loop).Loop & Merge (qualtrics.com)

Hope this helps


You need to pip-text field 1 out and it will show randomly what’s in the loop

2nd question should be in the same block because its loop&merge within a block. Seperate them with a page break.

@eva123 P/S: You can copy Excel to the Loop & Merge field, no need to manually write 84 question

Thanks!!! I managed to do it. 

Is there also a way to use loop & merge and show the 2nd MC question on the same page? 


It seems like with Loop & Merge the “In Page” choice is not working..

Thanks!!! I managed to do it. 

Is there also a way to use loop & merge and show the 2nd MC question on the same page? 


It seems like with Loop & Merge the “In Page” choice is not working..

Yes, correct @eva123 

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