Redirect to another Qualtrics survey while keeping response ID | XM Community
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Redirect to another Qualtrics survey while keeping response ID

  • 30 January 2024
  • 3 replies

I have a survey and at the end of it I am redirecting it to a brand new Qualtrics survey. I need to be able to collect the response ID from the first survey and match it with the response ID from the second survey. So, I thought I could take the embedded data responseID and add it to the url that redirects it to the second survey. The redirect process works.

My link looks like this: RID=${e://Field/ResponseID?format=urlencode}


I’m not sure if this link is incorrect or I am just unable to export the now pulled over response ID. But when I compare the response IDs between the two surveys they do not match. I also tried to pull over an embedded field Center with the same process, a field that does not originally come with the survey and could not locate that field in the second survey at all.

Am I supposed to add RID as an embedded variable in both surveys? I did try and it didn’t seem to work. 

Do you have any recommendations?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +30

Hi @jhop ,

In the first survey, you’ll need to write the ResponseID to an Embedded Data field. See the example below, where the Embedded Data field is called “SURVEYID”.


Then use Query Strings to pass the SURVEYID to the Embedded Data in the second survey, via a redirect from the first survey. Use the name of the Embedded Data field, not the ${e://Field code.

Badge +1

Thank you Matthew that definitely helped.


For anyone referencing this post, here are the detailed steps I took.

  1. Create both surveys. Create anonymous link for survey 2 (the one you are redirecting to)
  2. Go to survey flow in the survey you are redirecting to. In the end of survey block that will redirect click customize, override survey options, redirect to a URL.
  3. Take survey 2 anonymous link, for example:
  4. Add “?” to the end:
  5. Add developed variable name and set it equal to that variable. FOr response ID it is already named within qualtrics:${e://Field/ResponseID}
  6. Click Ok
  7. In Both surveys add embedded data in survey flow.
    1. In survey 1, add a new field and call it SURVEY_ID (or whatever you want this variable called)
    2. Set it equal to ${e://Field/ResponseID}. Or whatever your embedded data is named. If you want Response ID, Qualtrics already has a name for it. 


    3. Within the second survey, create the embedded field, and call it SURVEY_ID or whatever you called it in survey 1. Do not set a value to it and let it say Value will be set from Panel or URL. 


This is what worked for me.



I appreciate this post @jhop JHOP @MatthewM. I believe this post got me far closer than the videos and Qualtrics documentation on the situation.

I’m nine days into trying to solve this issue and have logged tickets for Qualtrics XM customer support which were fruitless and disappointing, but I am really just trying to focus on solving this puzzle of frustration.

Obvi, I believe I did things correctly in both surveys. 🤣

Obvi, I’m wrong...

This is the format of my URL redirect


The error generated if I plug the created ResponseID into the field of the URL to survey2 in a private window is

Please log in.


Again, I would be grateful for any insight on how to resolve.

I do have both a RID and an LID. In survey1, I have the first set embedded data block ResponseID, then I have a consent block/question, then I have the second set embedded data block LoginID, which is a random generated number, then remaining question blocks.

In survey2, I have the first set embedded data block ResponseID, the branch authentication on ResponseID, then 2nd set embedded data black for LoginID, then branch authentication on LoginID, followed by a third embedded data block of all the fields I want passed into survey2 from questions in survey1 with all other blocks under that.

I’m sorry to be so wordy, but this is the information that I think would allow insight to potential error. Again, grateful for any insight about where I am going awry.

Again, I would be grateful for any insight on how to resolve.

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