I manage a few different internal surveys and generally use 2 reminders after the initial survey invite. I’m using the Qualtrics email functionality so reminders just go to people who haven’t completed the survey and the number of responses are usually split like this - Initial invite = 40-50%, 1st reminder = ~30%, and 2nd reminder = 20-25%.
For one survey I’m getting asked to just use 1 reminder. Two reminders doesn’t seem excessive to me and it just seems like if I only use one I’d lose 20-25% of responses so I looked if there were any best practices but couldn’t find anything. So at the moment its just a difference of opinion over whether the extra reminder will irritate people getting the survey which trumps any any data/stats.
So are there any industry best practices on reminders that includes the number of reminders? I’m looking for something I can show my boss that would either show that 2 is fine and won’t irritate people getting the surveys or prove me wrong so I can change my approach.