Why I can't access my contact list to send the survey where I am a collaborator of survey ? | XM Community
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Why I can't access my contact list to send the survey where I am a collaborator of survey?

I am added as a collaborator to a survey (Outside my organization).
I am supposed to send the survey and I have added the contact list in my library.
When composing the survey invitation email in the distribution tab, I cannot access the contact list from my library.
Is any permission required from the other end?

Hi Arunaj91 ,
That sounds odd. As far as I know, the only permission the survey owner would need to set to enable you to send is the Distribute checkbox, which, if you're able to view the Distributions tab in that survey, sounds like they have done.
Have you checked to see if you can access the contact list from a survey in your account that you created? If you can access it, that would lead me to believe that there is something behind the scenes in the cross-organization sharing that Qualtrics support may need to sort out.
Also, if you're part of an organization, you likely don't have a free account. Is there any chance that the survey owner used a free account?

Hi MatthewM,
I can access my contact list when I try to use distribute option for my projects.
I can send emails or create a new contact list in the distribution option for the collaboration survey. But not able to see my contact list/library.
I believe the other account wouldn't be a free one.

It might also be worth it for both you and the survey owner to check with your brand admins to make sure that "Enabled" is checked for this setting.
If it is enabled, then this would appear to be something behind the scenes that you or the survey owner should contact Qualtrics support about. There is probably something technical interrupting the collaboration from outside of your organization that neither one of you can resolve on your own.

Thank you for the response. I believe the "Collaborate Projects" outside the organization are enabled by both brand administrators. Not sure what is the issue here.

I faced the same issue and contacted qualtrics support to attempt fixing it. This was their answer:
"The collaborator will not be able to access contacts created on their own account due to the way surveys are collaborated across brands.
When a survey is collaborated across brands:

  • The user to receives the survey accesses the survey through an account dedicated to shared surveys.

  • For example, when the receiver opens a shared survey, it opens in a new window as this survey is viewed from the dedicated account to view the survey from within the survey owner's brand.

  • As this is a dedicated account to view the shared survey, there is no access to other options such as existing contact lists.

  • The client could create a contact list from within the project itself when attempting to distribute the survey."

Hence, it is just not possible for a collaborator from another brand to distribute the shared survey to their personal contact list.

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