Am I allowed to use the separator :: in the contains field of a condition for an email trigger? | XM Community
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I have embedded data that needs to match for a specific notification to be sent out. Am I allowed to use the :: (Separator used in the user management fields) for the contains field of a condition setup for an email trigger?
You can definitely trigger email based on some conditions.

Do you mean that values coming in embedded variable coming from contact list contains ::
I want to use an operator in the field to state that the embedded data can contain AB or BC or CD or DE (AB::BC::CD::DE)
You can add conditions within OR operator can't be used while you can use nested if .

If or if or...
Sorry let me reiterate.

I have several conditions for the email notification trigger.

The last condition is an AND with an embedded data condition that contains any of the following text AB::BC::CD::DE. Can I use the :: for this condition. Will the system look for any of those text values between the :: or am I to create an individual condition for each text value to look up?
You have to create individual condition
Ok. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.
Wasn't thinking I created a RegEx for this.


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