Displaying a different "End of Survey" webpage when the participant doesn't qualify to take survey | XM Community
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I have several "qualifying" questions at the beginning of my survey. If any of the participant's responses causes them to not be qualified to take the survey, I want them to skip the entire survey and have Qualtrics display a message "Thank you for your time, but you do not qualify to participate in this survey". When I try to add the skip logic to do this, it only allows me to skip to "End of Block" or "End of Survey". If I choose "End of Survey", it displays the same message that participants who successfully complete the entire survey see, namely "We thank you for your time spent taking this survey. Your response has been recorded." This message doesn't make sense to someone who didn't actually take the survey because they weren't qualified. How can I display two different "End of Survey" message (one for those not qualifying for the survey and one for those who successfully complete the survey)?
Hello @briguy ,

The question where you are checking the qualify, select End of block for skip logic. Then in the survey flow replicate same logic ( applied for skip ) in branch logic and push "End of survey" element in this branch logic.

We can customize the end of survey using "Customize" option. See here
Thanks Shashi! This is exactly what I needed.

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