Export statistics date range not working properly | XM Community
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Dear Colleague,

I want to download statistics from history and compare different years.

Basically I want to try extract results (statistics) from Qualtrics int the Summary Report tab, Export Stats to CSV button. I selected User Stats. I found the differences between export of different dates.

I exported date interval:

2001-01-01 to 2019-12-31 // tab All

2001-01-01 to 2017-12-31 // tab To2018

2018-01-01 to 2018-12-31 // tab 2018

2019-01-01 to 2019-12-13 // tab 2019

There are all users there. There is no duplicity there. I thought that date filter doesn't work at all, but each result differs a little.

I have hypothesis, that if I extract data to lower data, there have been missing the results for more recent date.

But the funny part is that if I do the difference of 2018 and 2019, sometimes I receive positive number, sometimes negative number.

It seems like somebody delete the responses during time. There is some expiration there?

Do you know any date dependency there?
Hi jindrich_matous,

From what I understand, you're trying to export user data from 3 groups (created before 2018, created in 2018 and created in 2019) but some users are missing which only appear when you export all user data at once. If that is the case, I would assume your search criteria (specifically the conditional logic you're using with the dates) is excluding certain dates. It is possible that someone deleted your user data, but deleted data wouldn't show up in some exports and not others. If you can't find the problem, posting some screenshots would help provide some context.


Elliot V.W.
Dear Elliot,

thanks for fast response. I checked it again and it seems like this issue is already solved. We faced some issue with filter of statistics. Probably confused me this time the negative value of Other Responses.

Actually what I want to do is to create compare statistics of year 2018 and 2018. But when I export statistics from Admin pages like CSV (charts there seems work well). The results seems doesn't match what I expected.

- There are all users no matter if they have been registered in 2019 or before

- There are some differences between export of 2018 period and 2019 period, but seems doesn't match the current result.

- If I subtract count of responses of the year 2018 from the year 2019, some of the results are negative, not all of them. It's mean that results in 2018 are greater that 2019 It can happen because of deleting of some results, but the charts there should be also corrupted.

- Same behavior is when I try to export survey statistics (not responses), but there is a CreationDate and I can filter that by it.

- The data can be sensitive so I don't want to share publicly

I give you example:

All years (from origin to today)

Surveys Auditable Responses Other Responses

222 49014 -7

To2018 (from origin to 2018)

Surveys Auditable Responses Other Responses

222 45458 5

2018 (entire year 2018)

Surveys Auditable Responses Other Responses

222 3471 -16

2019 (entire year 2019)

Surveys Auditable Responses Other Responses

222 85 4

Difference 2019-2018 -3386

Its mean the subtract works fine and the summation of 45458+3471+85 = 49014 seems to be right.

thanks for help,



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