How can I direct people to the start of the survey if conditions are not met. | XM Community
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Within my survey, there are a number of questions which, due to ethical considerations need to be answered in a specific way. If the individuals do not answer the questions in the way which allows them to continue is there any way to link them back to the beginning of the survey. I have tried using display logic and skip logic, however I have not had any success.

Any pointers would be extremely appreciated

Thank you
Hi Ollie_Page_1. This can be achieved with the help of Table of Contents. A great feature we have been using as well to meet the specified criteria. Please refer the link below for setting up TOC.

Hope this helps!
Thank you so much for your help!
@Ollie_Page_1 If I understand your question correctly, you are required to have this set of questions on the survey (perhaps for demographics?) but don't want to require them to begin the survey. If this is correct, you could do a couple of things:

1. Not use any skip or display logic and simply set the questions to require an answer; or

2. Place them at the end of the survey, rather than the beginning.

Hope this helps!
@AdamK12 I have managed to solve the issue by using survey flow and the different elements within, including Branch and Show block, thank you for your reply though!

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