How to program 1 set of questions into two different conditions? | XM Community
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Hi all, I am using qualtrics for my masther thesis. I was wondering if someone could help me with one thing.

In my survey I have two conditions (consisted of two manipulated photographs), participants have to write little texts about the photograph and situation. The thing is, participant should see the photograph while writhing the texts, BUT the questions with text entry (wherein they write) can only be programmed once. Otherwise it will appear strange in my dataset.

Thus: 1 block of questions, and only the photograph should differ consisted of which condition the participant is (randomly) assigned to.

Is this even possible? If yes, how can I do this?

Thank you in advance!
So, what I understood is, you want to get some insight for the 2 photographs in a text entry question but you want to ask about only 1 photograph to 1 user and that to randomly.

If my understanding is correct, then what I will suggest is to keep your 1 photograph and 1 text-entry question in "block 1" and another photograph and text-entry question in "block 2" then in survey flow keep both blocks "block 1 and block 2" under randomizer and keep value as 1 for randomly present text-box and select the check-box evenly present elements.

Here is the documentation on randomizer:
Thank you so much for your response. The problem with my design (between subject) is that I can only program my independent variable once. Thus I cannot ask my text-entry questions twice (one time in each 'manipulated' block).

Right now, I have made 3 separate blocks:

1. Condition 1 (Intro + photograph1

2. Condition 2 (Intro + photograph2)

3. Texts entry questions

In each condition, the photograph should be seen together with the text entry questions. But I cannot use the text entry questions two times: this will cause problems in the dataset.

Hope I explained myself more clearly now.

So what you can do is you can capture the "photograph URL" in an embedded data and then pipe-in the embedded data in the "text-entry" question text...

below are the steps:

- Create 2 embedded data element (as a seprate element) with the same name such as:

embedded_data_photoURL = Photograph 1 URL (from your image library)

embedded_data_photoURL = Photograph 2 URL (from your image library)

- Put both the embedded data element under the randomizer element...

- Once you get the photograph selected randomly then you show them the intro + embedded data pipe-in (which stored the photograph URL)...

- Then again just pipe-in the embedded data (which stored the photograph URL) in the text-entry question text.

Hope you got it...

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