How to use loop and merge function for matrix table questions? | XM Community
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Dear all,

I am designing a survey, in which I want the respondents first list the main activities they did today. Then about each activity, I ask them some questions.

I want to use the loop and merge function of Qualtrics. When they make the list, I ask them to enter a brief description of that activity and the time them did it. For this question, I used matrix table with text entry. Later I want to cite the text they entered.

But I don't know how to base my later question on the earlier list (more specifically, which option to choose on the loop and merge page for a matrix table question). Here are some pictures of my survey. Is there someone that could help me figure out? Thanks.!


Best wishes

Base your loop & merge off the selected choices in your Matrix question. In l&m field 2 pipe in the answer to the brief description column. Then pipe field 2 into your loop question(s).
This is a duplicate question. See

This could have been just a bit clearer...
"In l&m field 2 pipe in the answer to the brief description column."
totally get the SELECTED CHOICES for L&M and see Field 1 populated - great,
but similarly I have a matrix with likert scale 0 - 4 -
What do I write in the "Field 2" table for each of the "Field 1s" ? I don't understand the answer - I think you mean something like "${q://QID1/ChoiceDescription/1} ?
Just an picture example on the inadequate Loop & Merge documentation would really help for each type of question. Or spelling it out for thickos like me!!
Thanks for clarification, obviously Daniel got it! answer made sense in the context of Daniel's question.
For a Likert matrix I think you'll want to pipe the answer for each row (aka scale point) into field 2. For example, ${q://QID1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedAnswers/1}.

Just spotted your answer: ${q://QID1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedAnswers/1}, huh?
I'll try that, thanks TomG
So I was on the right lines.. Sorry I was annoyed with the documentation not being very complete.
( PS the link for 'duplicate answer' goes nowhere, even with 'XM' added to community - that was also part of the frustration )

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