Released On Or Before February 22, 2023
- Question Actions: The option “Replace from library” has been added to question actions in the survey builder.
- Dashboard Export to PPTX & DOCX: Users can now export CX, BX, and EX dashboard pages as PPTX and DOCX files. For PPTX exports, each widget is saved as an image within a slide. For DOCX exports, all widgets are saved as images within the document.
- Patient Experience Benchmark Refresh: The Patient Experience Benchmark has been refreshed to include data from Q4 2022. The data is available within the benchmark editor settings menu in dashboards.
- Twilio Segment Event: New event in workflows that is triggered by data events in Twilio Segment. You can use this event to create or update contacts in XM Directory, or to trigger a workflow in Qualtrics.
- Twilio Segment Task: New task in workflows for sending Qualtrics survey data to Twilio Segment.
- Outbox: The “Mobile” section of the outbox has been split into 2 separate tabs: Text messages (SMS) and WhatsApp.
- Record Table: The record table widget will soon be available in 360 dashboards.
- Conjoint & Maxdiff Sample Projects: DesignXM trial users will have access to 2 new sample projects that will help them explore Qualtrics’ Conjoint and MaxDiff solutions.
- Manager Assist App: Manager Assist is a centralized hub where managers can view and act on employee experience insights. Within Manager Assist, managers can view all of their team engagement dashboards and access tools, such as action planning and idea boards. This feature will begin gradually rolling out on March 1, 2023. All customers will have the feature enabled by March 31, 2023.
- App Switcher: Switch easily between your main Qualtrics account, the participant portal, and / or Manager Assist.
- If you have any questions about the product updates featured in this list, our support team is happy to help you with your request.
- If you have questions about what’s on the product roadmap, please see our Product Roadmap page. If you’d like to contribute to the product roadmap, please visit the Product Ideas category.
- You can provide feedback on the Weekly Product Release Notes here.