Cant store group assignment to results | XM Community
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Cant store group assignment to results


Hey. I looked at several possible solutions and was unable to figure this out. [solution1, so2, so3 - couldn't make it!]

I have a simple two group between-subjects design and I want to record which group each participant was randomly assigned to.

I am able to assign them randomly but the assignment isnt recorded in the results.

Here is what I tried to implement:

As you can see, I created a randomizer with two branches. I was hoping to get a feature in the dataset called "group” with one of each values for each specific subject: old or young.

No data (Missing values) /:

This is not the case, and it is frustrating!!! I will appreciate any advice.


3 replies

QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 589 replies
  • May 23, 2023

You should move out both blocks from randomizer and remove the branch logic from each embedded field and keep both embedded field under randomizer. So that randomizer will pick either group=old or young.


Also, Click the check box evenly present element to show each block equal number of time.e.g. if 10 respondent will take survey, 5 will see young block and 5 will see old.


Then apply branch logic on each block out side the randomizer as "if group is equal to young for young block" and if group is equal to old for old block". So if randomizer will pick group = old, it will check the branck logic and will show old block.

  • Author
  • 5 replies
  • May 23, 2023

Thanks Arun. I will try it. This is what I did, and hopefully itll be correct:


QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 589 replies
  • May 23, 2023

Yes @Qualmetho ,it's implemented correctly.  Now take couple of complete runs to test the scenario.

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